Wednesday, March 11, 2009

9/11/2001 - Carville: "I hope Bush fails".

Sept. 11, 2001:
Democratic strategist James Carville was hoping for President Bush to fail, telling a group of Washington reporters: "I certainly hope he doesn't succeed."

Carville was joined by Democratic pollster Stanley Greenberg, who seemed encouraged by a survey he had just completed that revealed public misgivings about the newly minted president.

"We rush into these focus groups with these doubts that people have about him, and I'm wanting them to turn against him," Greenberg admitted.

The pollster added with a chuckle of disbelief: "They don't want him to fail. I mean, they think it matters if the president of the United States fails."

Nov. 21, 2001:
Mr. Carville goes on to advise Democrats that in order to help "set up the congressional choice for next year" Democrats should characterize Mr. Bush's domestic policies as causing "economic damage, undermining social programs and geared towards big business." Apparently, in Mr. Carville's view, he is being sufficiently patriotic if he says, in essence: "Support our president even though he is a plutocratic parasitic insect that sucks the blood of the working people."

Nov. 30, 2001:
"The bottom line is, this is George Bush's recession," Rep. Nita Lowey, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee chief, says in today's edition of USA Today.

A spokesman for the National Republican Congressional Committee called the comments of Lowey, D-N.Y., "despicable" and predicted the attack would backfire.

"I think it shows incredibly poor political judgment to attack a president with an 86 percent approval rating," said NRCC communications director Steve Schmidt.

"The economy was in a slowdown in the last days of the Clinton administration, and the slowdown was exacerbated by the Sept. 11 attacks."

Fox News Channel reported tonight that former Clinton strategist James Carville and others planned the negative campaign a month ago.

Nov. 30, 2001:The House Democratic campaign committee is preparing an advertisement for use in targeted House districts spotlighting Republican support for repeal of the alternative minimum tax on corporations, which Democratic lawmakers criticized as a boon for big business.

Rep. Nita Lowey of New York, who heads the Democratic campaign committee, said in an interview with USA Today published on Friday that last month's vote to repeal the tax was ``unpatriotic, inappropriate and wrong'' given rising unemployment.
Lowey said the ad would run in at least three House districts and labeled the recent economic downturn ``George Bush's recession.''
Senate Democratic leader Tom Daschle questioned the Republican reaction to the ad campaign. ``There is a sensitivity right now in the administration about the Bush economy,'' Daschle said. ``We're in a recession.''

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